Samuray - Elementor-based security WordPress Theme

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shoppingBag Sales: 131

Created: Feb 2, 2016

Updated: Apr 17, 2020

ID: 58441

og体育首页ONE - Unlimited Downloads for $12.40/mo

480k Items | Commercial Use License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support Join to Download this Item  for Free
Samuray - Elementor-based security WordPress Theme - Features Image 1Samuray - Elementor-based security WordPress Theme - Features Image 2Samuray - Elementor-based security WordPress Theme - Features Image 3Samuray - Elementor-based security WordPress Theme - Features Image 4Samuray - Elementor-based security WordPress Theme - Features Image 5Samuray - Elementor-based security WordPress Theme - Features Image 6Samuray - Elementor-based security WordPress Theme - Features Image 7

This security WordPress theme allows to overview all the advantages of remote monitoring

 This security WordPress theme was created using Elementor builder and various premium add-ons. Each website web page consists of a unique composition of design and content that is easy to use. You can freely choose from a huge variety of pages, such as ''About Us'', ''Home'', ''Products'', ''How to Offer'', ''Contacts'', etc.

It is equipped with the Elementor premium suite of extras to provide you more options. You can introduce your services and offers on special separate pages. Discover the portfolio widget that was added to these pages. You can put several projects on one page thanks to this feature.

The site is well-documented, as a result of this, you will find a description of all the functions and substances included in this topic. Your customers will be able to create their own personal accounts.

6 Reviews for this product

Amazing template, best for elementor users. Its new wave of modern business design.
Thank you for the wonderful feedback! We're glad you love the modern design—perfect for Elementor users!
Wir nutzen die Template von sehr gerne. Wir betreiben 8 eigene Webseiten, alle wurden mit den Templates von templatemonster erstellt. Wir hatte auch schon Kontakt mit dem Support und wir haben sofort Hilfe bekommen uns unsere Webseite wurde wieder binnen Minuten gerettet und ging wieder sauber Online. Wir betreiben 2 kleine Shops und eine größere Immobilienseite und sind äußerst zufrieden mit diesem Angebot. Danke
i was looking for a best theme to customise my website somehow i found this thee it is correct for my business as well as very easy to use i am very thankful to template monster that they are providing such a magical theme for security type business and i am expecting such better theme from company in future also if you are looking for a finest theme to create your security business this one is best for you go for it!
It was the most easier template to work on it and i really enjoyed buying it
Template og体育首页 has a good variety of designs and options to select from.

3 Comments for this product

i would like to buy this theme, I have one question, does it still compatible with elementor, because it has not been updated after Apr 2020? thanks
Thank you for your question, Muhammad! The Samuray template is built using the free version of Elementor, this plugin is installed automatically together with all the required plugins during template installation. So yes, the template is fully compatible with Elementor.
Can you customize colours in this theme?
Hello Melanie. Thank you for comment. Yes, you could change the colors for your needs. Here is a tutorial how to handle with that: Have a nice day!
Can WooCommerce plugin be used in conjunction with this site?
Hello, Jaosn. Thank you for your comment. Woocommerce plugin can be used with this Wordpress template.

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